Build your Adult Pipeline with Prospects Who Have Intent to enroll

Our Data Is Based On Future Intent to enroll

  • Community/Technical Colleges

    Reach adults in your service area with intent for education and preference for Community College

  • 4 Year, Graduate, & Professional

    Reach high-intent adult prospects for graduate, online, executive and continuing education programs

  • Online, Training, & Certifications

    Find the adults across the country who want and need online training and certificate courses

  • CollegeAPP conducts large sample surveys state-by-state and deploys data science techniques and machine learning predictive analytics to create probabilities of future educational behavior and preferences.

  • CollegeAPP’s interactive dashboard includes individual data files on more than 249 million US adults. Combined with our predictive models focused on intent, our partners create diverse and equity focused campaigns targeting traditionally overlooked prospects.

  • The power of CollegeAPP modeling is the ability to aggregate person-level, adult demand data directly into digital campaigns, direct mail campaigns, and other outreach and marketing activities.


Our mission is to reach adults who are looking for programs like ours with great precision and accuracy. CollegeApp’s aggregated database of those you need to reach, combined with in-house expertise in branding, digital marketing, and enrollment outcomes, offers the very best service to get you there, full stop.

Bonnie Blumer, M.S.,O.D., Director of Marketing & Partnerships

It has been a pleasure growing with you as one of the first colleges to sign on. Here's to many more years of great work ahead.

Brian Sondey, Executive Director of Enrollment Services

“CollegeAPP has been an invaluable partner to our agency for many years. Their comprehensive services and data have enabled us to effectively reach adult prospects seeking higher education opportunities for our clients. With their support, we've consistently achieved year-over-year increases in student enrollment, helping over 10,000 students pursue their educational goals.”

Christie Pierce, MS, VP of Media

Proud of the work you all are doing with our team.  It is wonderful to see such incredible results.

Chris Vitelli, President