Community & Technical Colleges

Identify And Market To Adult Prospects In Your Service Area

CollegeAPP helps community colleges target the most likely adult applicants: those with  high probability for education intent, preference for community college, and preference for all online or hybrid instruction.  We can also filter on age, gender, ethnicity, education attainment, income and dozens of other variables, and target your entire service area or any part of it.

Community and Technical Colleges are using CollegeAPP to:

  • Recruit students from hard-to-reach populations

  • Increase community awareness of institution deadlines, offers and incentives

  • Launch direct outreach campaigns for engagement and enrollment of adult students

  • Communicate the advantages of community college to parents of high school juniors and seniors in their service area

  • Increase awareness of programs and services

  • Create efficient mailing lists for catalogs and course descriptions

  • Recruit students for unique, low awareness programs

  • Support bond campaigns through direct outreach to community members who are likely to vote and support higher education