CollegeAPP Expands Education Intent Models to 48 States and 232 Million Adults


June 2, 2022

More than 100 colleges and universities are now using CollegeAPP’s proprietary data on adult education intent

[Los Angeles, CA, June 2, 2022]: CollegeAPP, the predictive analytics service for the higher education industry, has released its single largest increase in the number of adults across the country scored on their probability to intend to enroll in education or training in the next two years. The company says there are now more than 230 million adults scored on that probability.

“We’ve been working for the past two plus years to make sure that all adults had the opportunity to be included in our models, and therefore be on the map for colleges and universities,” said Jack MacKenzie, CollegeAPP President. “In the process, we have acquired more data, conducted more machine learning simulations and created more robust models to ensure execution of the intentional inclusion inspiration behind our approach.”

In the process, CollegeAPP now offers predictive models for education intent, preference for institutional type, and preference for learning modality in each of the 48 contiguous states, including the Mountain West and the Great Plains. “It’s needed and focused,” said Justin Pfeiffer, Wichita State University Tech’s Vice President of Student Success, who started using CollegeAPP data in May. “It’s a very timely product,” Pfeiffer added.

“People are calling it the demographic cliff,” said Sean Godlewski, CollegeAPP co-founder and Vice President, “we saw the enrollment challenges coming based on the reduced birth rates starting in 2008. The so-called cliff only brings more attention to the adult learners we focus on and increases their importance to both higher education and communities across the country.”

CollegeAPP also announced the company now partners with more than one hundred community colleges, universities, and education systems to fuel adult student recruitment initiatives. CollegeAPP Vice President Andrea Shaw said “we are seeing increased interest and need for a strong adult student outreach strategy. Our models and database platform, originally only available to the private sector, are helping our clients deliver efficient marketing campaigns. When the year started, we had about 50 partners, we now have more than one hundred. This renewed focus on the adult student is critical to the growth in higher education and our workforce.”


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Using Intentional Inclusion To Boost Equity And Enrollment