Case Study: Helping Institutions Recruit Adult Learners for Graduate Programs

Michigan Technological University Logo

Michigan Technological University

Location: Houghton, MI

Michigan Technological University is a flagship public research university founded in 1885. The campus overlooks the Keweenaw Waterway and is just a few miles from Lake Superior.


Michigan Tech retained CollegeAPP to recruit prospects to Graduate engineering, health informatics, and the MTU Global program. In previous campaigns, Michigan Tech was experiencing:

  • Increasing cost per lead including $1,300 per lead for one program

  • Decreased volume and quality of leads


CollegeAPP was hired to:

  • Identify a national recruiting list using our Intent to Enroll models in combination with CollegeAPP+ occupation data to target qualified candidates.

  • Provide media placement services from our in-house team of media placement experts.

Channel + Creative:

CollegeAPP placed and managed a multi-program campaign designed by Michigan Tech and deployed on the Meta platform.

Social Media example 1
Social Media example 3
Social Media example 2

The Results:

Michigan Tech’s campaign generated 310 leads in the first month of the campaign on $9,235 spend for database access, media and management fee.

Programs, Leads, Cost Per Lead: MTU Global; 153 leads, $24.62 CPL; Engineering: 100 leads, $28.04 CPL; Health Informatics: 57 leads, $37.62 CPL; Totals 310 leads, Average $30.62 CPL

According to UPCEA, the Higher Education Industry Average Cost per Lead is $140.

Let CollegeAPP Help You Find Adult Learners.