CollegeAPP To Publicly Release Results From 150,000 Surveys On Adult Intent For Education And Training

Unprecedented findings will inform strategies for higher education to address the so-called  “demographic cliff” 

[Los Angeles, CA, September 21, 2022]: CollegeAPP, the leading provider of predictive analytics to identify and  recruit potential adult students, has found stark demographic and economic differences in the adults who have  intent to enroll in education or training in the next two years. The findings, covering 150,000 completed surveys  the company has conducted since December 2019, will provide higher education marketers insight into college  preference by various populations as well as detailed data on their interest in various degree and certificate  programs.  

“This is a significant dataset, and we want to share it,” said Jack MacKenzie, CollegeAPP President. “As we  surveyed adults state-by-state over the past three years, we knew we were building incomparable insight into  the aspirations of adult learners. Now, we’re prepared to contribute this data to inform higher education and  workforce development strategies going forward.” 

The report entitled Intent Matters: Avoiding the Demographic Cliff has detailed insights into intent to enroll in  education and preference for institution type and programs by myriad of factors including: 

• Age 

• Gender 

• Ethnicity 

• Income 

• Geography 

• Previous education attainment 

“The data shows that previous adult enrollment strategies, including so-called ‘best fit’ models based on  previous enrollments and ‘hot zips’ are more than misguided,” MacKenzie said. “The data suggests they  contribute to institutionalizing systemic biases of who could and should get more education.”  

The report notes that the upcoming potential enrollment crisis, known as the demographic cliff, is a result of  what was a high-water mark for higher education. “During the recession of 2007 to 2010, many institutions saw  enrollment gains but at the same time birth rates were falling,” said Katie Zaback, of Zaback Solutions, an  external research firm who worked on the report with CollegeAPP, thanks to support from Lumina Foundation.  “The recession was the start of a steady downturn in enrollment that will accelerate as we approach 2025. There  are simply fewer traditional-aged students in the pipeline. However, the CollegeAPP data shows clearly that  many adults plan to enroll in education or training. Unfortunately, few of them will unless we find ways to reach  them and turn their intentions into action,” Zaback said.  

CollegeAPP has been using survey responses to create predictive models that identify adults with a high  likelihood of intending to enroll in education or training. Colleges, universities, and education providers are  increasingly gaining access to the company’s database of 263 million adults to confidently and efficiently  identify adults in their service areas and around the country as potential enrollees in education and training  programs. 

CollegeAPP will release the report, Intent Matters: Avoiding the Enrollment Cliff, to clients and partners September 29 with broader distribution scheduled for October 3 . The company is planning a free, industry wide discussion and analysis of the results in a webinar in mid-October.


CollegeAPP Releases Intent Matters: Avoiding the Enrollment Cliff


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